Frequently Asked Questions
What do I do if I forget my password?
Please check your spam and/or promotions inbox in case you did not receive the password reset email!
How do I change my password?
Please check your spam and/or promotions inbox in case you did not receive the password reset email!
How do I change my email address?
How do I change my time zone?
Why is my profile not activated yet?
How can I share my screen during 1:1 meetings?
Please note that if you share your screen while playing a video, the other participant(s) will not hear the sound unless it's coming from your PC/laptop and is loud enough for your microphone to pick it up.
Can I invite a third person to my 1:1 meeting?
Please do not share your login information with your colleagues if you want them to join your meeting. If two people are logged in to the same profile and join the online meeting, one of them will be kicked out. Always use the direct link to invite other people.
Why can't I request meetings with some participants?
Participants available for meeting requests are indicated with the Request meeting button. If the button is gray:
You may not have registered for any 1:1 meetings sessions. Please make yourself available for 1:1 meetings sessions via Agenda or Availability!
The participant you want to meet might not have registered for any 1:1 meetings sessions
Booking rules applied by the event organizer might not allow booking specific participant groups, e.g. no meetings among Sellers & Sellers; Start-ups can’t send meetings requests to Investors, etc.
You might not have any common overlapping 1:1 meetings sessions. Please sign-up for some additional 1:1 meetings sessions via Agenda or Availability!
How do I add sessions to my agenda?
How can I join an online session?
How to create a Marketplace item?
How can I add files to my Marketplace item?
Click the Add image button,
Select an image from your device,
If you want, you can add more images and when you're done, click Save,
The supported image formats include: .jpg, .jpeg, .gif and .png
Click the Select file button,
Select a file from your device,
Enter a name for the file (the file you upload will be displayed as a link, and when clicked, it will open in a separate browser tab),
Click the Add file button and then Save,
The supported file formats include: .pdf, .doc, .docx, .xls, and .xlsx
Enter the video title,
Paste the YouTube link,
Click the Add video button and then Save,
The video will appear as an embedded mini player and other participants will be able to watch it directly on the Marketplace Item